Our society today is all online, whether it be by email, social media, or having your own website. So what that means is people are now directing their attention to the online environment, instead of attending to the local shopping centre to browse and shop. This statement is nothing new to anyone of course, as we all do it. However, the main question is how do we tell if an Australian website is safe?
Australia has strong protective laws for misleading and deceptive conduct towards businesses and individuals. So knowing how to read a website for your own protection is key to your business and personal security.
The first step of reviewing a website, is to find out if the business is a legitimate supplier of goods or services, and whether they are operating in Australia or overseas.
A company that is located overseas and that ships goods from their location into Australia are harder to pursue for a damages claim. So as example, buying shoes from www.example.com for $150.00 and where the website is hosted in Hong Kong, (hosting meaning, that is where the website is actually sitting), and if the shoes you receive are not fit for their purpose, you will need to bring a claim against that business in Hong Kong, as they are not located or have a distributor acting on their behalf in Australia.
However, there are many businesses that are located in Australia and their details on the website are so insufficient that it does make it very hard to locate that party to make a claim against, if the goods or services are defective or poor in quality.
So let’s consider a couple of the fundamental points that should be looked for when assessing a website:
Does the website have a clearly demonstrated contact page, such as the address of the business: example Level 28, 303 Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000?
Is the business name a company name; example, Legal AU Pty Ltd is a company and regulated by Australian Security & Investment Commission, which means you can easily find out who the owners are to pursue a claim against that company. The ‘Pty Ltd’ stands for Priority Limited, which means there are specific rules that this entity, known as a company, needs to follow in Australia.
Is the name of the business a loose name like ‘Quick Finance’, with no other details about the business name accept a contact page where you fill out the details for someone to contact you? Such websites like this are very good at boasting how great they are with the goods or services, when in actual fact if there is a problem with the goods or services that are purchased, it is very hard to contact them for assistance.
Does the website clearly show the ASIC number or ABN number? These numbers are the registration numbers of businesses and sole traders, and with these numbers you are able to find out who is behind the company or business to seek a claim that may lay against that party. It is possible that a website may use fake numbers, but it is easy to check the validity of these numbers by completing a simple free search online, available from the Australian Government websites.
Is there any detail brief about the company which explains the services or goods that they provide?
Does the company present profiles of the people behind the company, so you can see who you may be dealing with if you purchase the goods or services.
Does the website have telephone contact numbers, which are displayed on the website so you can actually call the company if you require further assistance? Then most important will you be speaking to someone in Australia, or will your call be diverted to an overseas call centre!
Does the website have a secure payment page for credit card facilities?
There are many considerations in assessing a website to see if it is safe to purchase goods or services from, and the above are some of the key points you should ensure that are displayed on a website before you proceed with that amazing deal.
Masking the appearance of a website with a great offer is everywhere, the challenge is to know if you are dealing with a legitimate company or business that will assist you when things are not right.
Let’s face it, everybody wants your money, and will only give the minimum service for that value. So the risk for the company or individual buying from a website is high.
So the next time you are viewing a website, ask yourself, is this website a legitimate business where your legal rights and interests are protected.
ウェブサイトには、ビジネスアドレス: example Level 28, 303 Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000、などを含むはっきりした内容のお問い合わせページがありますか?
会社名がビジネスの名前になっていますか?例えば、Legal AU Pty Ltd は豪州証券投資委員会の管理下にある会社であり、クレームしたい場合にビジネスオーナーを見つけるのは容易です。’Pty Ltd'はプリオリティー・リミテッドの略で、この会社はオーストラリア国内で特定の規則に従って運営されていることを示します。
ビジネスネームが‘Quick Finance’のようにビジネスの詳細について示すものがなく、お問い合わせページであなたの情報について記入することで返答しますといった内容ですか?そのようなウェブサイトは、商品やサービスについて盛大に広告しているかもしれませんが、実際にそこで購入した商品やサービスに問題があった場合にヘルプを求めて問い合わせても誰にもつながらないでしょう。